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Feral Swine Impacts on Agriculture and the Environment Feral Swine Impacts on Agriculture and the Environment
Nathan W. Seward
USDA-APHIS-Wildlife Services
Kurt C. VerCauteren
USDA-APHIS-Wildlife Services
Gary W. Witmer
USDA-APHIS-Wildlife Services
Richard M. Engeman
USDA-APHIS-Wildlife Services
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Seward, Nathan W.; VerCauteren, Kurt C.; Witmer, Gary W.; and Engeman, Richard M., "Feral Swine Impacts
on Agriculture and the Environment" (2004).
Sheep & Goat Research Journal
. 12.
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34 Sheep & Goat Research Journal, Volume 19, 2004
Key Words: Depredation, Disease,
Eurasian Wild Boar, Feral Swine, Sus
scrofa, Wildlife Damage Management
More than 30 species of exotic free-
ranging mammals have become estab-
lished in the United States since Euro-
pean colonization (De Vos et al., 1956;
McKnight, 1964; Roots, 1976). These
species often become serious economic
pests and can have grave consequences
on their host environments (Cottam,
1956; De Vos et al., 1956; Mayer and
Brisbin, 1991). True wild pigs (Suidae)
are not native to the United States.
Only the collared peccary (Tayassu
tajacu; Tayassuidae) that inhabits the
southwestern and south-central parts of
the United States is native (Mayer and
Brandt, 1982; Mayer and Wetzel, 1986).
Feral swine (Sus scrofa) in the United
States have originated from varieties of
domestic swine, Eurasian wild boar, and
their hybrids (Jones, 1959; Wood and
Lynn, 1977; Rary et al., 1968; Mayer and
Brisbin, 1991). Domestic swine were
introduced to the United States as early
as 750-1000 A.D. during the settlement
of the Hawaiian Islands (Towne and
Wentworth, 1950; Joesting, 1972; Smith
and Diong, 1977). Christopher Colum-
bus introduced domestic swine to the
West Indies during the 1400s, where
they proliferated and became pests. In
the 1500s, Spanish explorers, such as
DeSoto and Cortez, were the first to
bring domestic swine to the United
States mainland (Towne and Went-
worth, 1950; Beldon and Frankenberger,
1977). By the 1960s, domestic swine and
Eurasian wild boar were established in
>20 states (McKnight, 1964). Swine
introductions have intentionally or acci-
dentally occurred by a variety of means,
including: 1) translocation to establish
populations for hunting, 2) escapees
from shooting preserves or confinement
operations, 3) avoidance of capture by
domestic pigs in free-ranging livestock
operations, 4) abandonment by their
owners, and 5) dispersal from established
feral populations (Gipson et al., 1997;
Witmer et al., 2004).
Feral swine are the most abundant
free-ranging, exotic ungulate in the
United States (McKnight, 1964; Decker,
1978) and have become widespread
because of their reproductive potential
and adaptability to a wide range of habi-
tats. Like domestic swine, litter size
depends on the sow’s age, nutrition, and
time of year. Feral swine are capable of
producing two litters per year with aver-
age litter size varying from 4.2 to 7.5
piglets (Taylor et al., 1998), but up to 10
piglets can be born during ideal condi-
tions (Conquenot et al., 1996). Mayer
and Brisbin (1991) and Mackey (1992)
report feral swine populations in 23
states. A Southeastern Cooperative Dis-
ease Study (1994) and Nettles (1997)
point out an additional 16 states with
feral swine populations. An estimated
population of 4 million feral swine cur-
rently occur in the United States
(Pimentel et al., 2000) with the largest
populations inhabiting Texas (1 to 1.5
million; Pimentel et al., 2000), Florida
(>500,000; Layne, 1997), Hawaii
(80,000; Mayer and Brisbin, 1991), and
California (70,000; Barrett, 1993). Since
1965, feral swine have expanded their
range from 15 (26%) to 45 (78%) of the
58 California counties (Frederick, 1998).
Feral swine populations continue to
increase (Gipson et al., 1997) because
they possess the greatest reproductive
potential of all free-ranging, large mam-
mals in the United States (Wood and
Barrett, 1979; Hellgren, 1999) and
because of the absence of large native
predators (e.g., mountain lion (Felis con-
color) and wolves (Canis lupus) over
much of the area occupied by feral swine.
In southwest Florida where feral swine
and a large predator coexist, feral swine
is the most common food item (42%) in
Florida panther (F. c. coryi) scats (Maehr
et al., 1990), which may suggest that the
presence of a large predator helps regu-
late feral swine density and associated
Environmental Damage and
Wildlife Depredation
Environmental Damage
Feral swine are generalists. Their
omnivorous diet allows them to utilize a
variety of food sources and to thrive in a
wide range of environments. The major-
ity of their diet consists of grasses, forbs,
and soft and hard mast such as shoots,
roots, tubers, fruit, and seeds. Acorn
(Quercus spp.) and hickory (Carya spp.)
nuts are two important food items that
feral swine use seasonally (Mungall
2001) and may lead to competition with
other wildlife (Yarrow and Kroll, 1989).
Feral swine also eat a variety of inverte-
brates including earthworms, leeches,
grasshoppers, centipedes, beetles, and
other arthropods. As a predator, feral
swine eat salamanders, frogs, fish, crabs,
snakes, turtles, rodents, muskrats (Onda-
tra zibethicus), eggs and chicks of ground-
nesting birds, white-tailed deer fawns
(Odocoileus virginianus) (Hellgren,
1993), and livestock. Feral swine must
forage almost continuously because their
simple stomach is not as efficient as a
ruminant’s multi-chambered digestive
system — hence the expressions “as
greedy as a pig” and “eats like a pig.”
Feral swine negatively impact natu-
Feral Swine Impacts on Agriculture
and the Environment
Nathan W. Seward, Kurt C. VerCauteren, Gary W. Witmer, and Richard M. Engeman
USDA/Wildlife Services, National Wildlife Research Center, 4101 LaPorte Ave., Fort Collins, CO. 80521-2154
Sheep & Goat Research Journal, Volume 19, 2004 35
ral plant communities (Bratton, 1975;
Wood and Barrett, 1979; Stone and
Keith, 1987) and may seriously impact
agricultural ecosystems (Singer et al.,
1982). Feral swine rooting activity, dig-
ging for food with their snout, loosens
the soil and accelerates erosion, sets
back plant succession, reduces earth-
worm activity, and exacerbates exotic
plant invasion (Mungall, 2001). Damage
from rooting, trampling, and compaction
directly and indirectly impacts plant
regeneration, plant community structure
(Bratton, 1975), soil properties (Lacki
and Lancia, 1983), nutrient cycling
(Tate, 1984), and water infiltration
(Mungall, 2001). Rooting and inciden-
tal damage may give exotic plants an
ecological advantage over native plants
(Howe and Bratton, 1976) because
exotic plants are typically better adapted
at colonizing disturbed areas. Addition-
ally, feral swine may help spread root-rot
fungus (Phytophthora cinnamomi), which
causes disease in native vegetation
(Kliejunas and Ko, 1976).
Habitat damage by feral swine is
most pronounced in wet environments
(e.g., Choquenot et al., 1996; Engeman
et al., 2004). Exposed marsh shoreline is
particularly susceptible to damage
because the shoreline and shallower
water is typically dominated by shrubs
and herbs, which are attractive forage
(Engeman et al., 2003). Feral swine also
use upland habitats and have been docu-
mented impacting longleaf pine (Pinus
palustris) regeneration (Lipscomb, 1989)
and southern hardwood forest composi-
tion (Wood and Lynn, 1977; Lacki and
Lancia, 1986).
Wildlife Depredation
Feral swine impact native wildlife in
a variety of ways, depending upon the
habitat, density of feral swine, and other
extraneous factors. About 400 of the 958
wildlife species listed as threatened or
endangered under the Endangered
Species Act are considered to be at risk
primarily because of competition or pre-
dation by non-indigenous species
(Nature Conservancy, 1996; Wilcove et
al., 1998; Pimentel et al., 2002). In
Florida, feral swine have contributed to
the decline of at least 22 plant species
and 4 species of amphibians listed as
rare, threatened, endangered, or of spe-
cial concern (USDA, 2002). In the
southern United States, feral swine pre-
dation may negatively affect bobwhite
quail (Colinus virginianus) and wild
turkey (Meleagris gallopavo) nest success
(Synatzske, 1979). Tolleson et al. (1993)
constructed 192 simulated quail nests in
Texas and reported that feral swine was
the most common predator (28%) of
simulated nests. They concluded feral
swine could have detrimental effects on
bobwhite quail populations depending
upon the density of quail and feral swine,
quail nesting cover, and quantity and
diversity of other swine food sources.
On some southeastern U.S. beaches,
feral swine have become significant
predators of marine turtle nests by exca-
vating and feeding on the eggs (Stancyk,
1982; Lewis et al., 1996). Feral swine
seriously threaten the nesting success of
several threatened and endangered
marine turtles including: the loggerhead
(Caretta caretta) (federal; threatened);
green (Chelonia mydas) (federal; endan-
gered); leatherback (Dermochelys cori-
acea) (federal; endangered); hawksbill
(Eretmochelys imbricata) (federal; endan-
gered); and the Kemp’s ridley (Lepi-
dochelys kempii) (federal; endangered),
destroying up to 80% of nests in some
regions of Florida (USDA, 2002). It has
become critical to monitor and manage
nest predation to ensure the existence of
these threatened and endangered turtles.
USDA/Wildlife Services (WS) is work-
ing with various state and federal agen-
cies to reduce turtle nest predation by
protecting nests with portable fences and
reducing feral swine densities through
cage trapping and culling.
Livestock Depredation and
Agricultural Crop Damage
Shortly after Christopher Columbus
introduced swine to the West Indies,
feral swine depredated cattle (Ens-
minger, 1961) and consumed agricul-
tural crops such as maize and sugar cane
(Donkin, 1985). Frederick (1998) sur-
veyed all 58 county agricultural commis-
sioners in California and reported
$1,731,920 in feral swine damage. This
figure is likely underestimated because
only 69% of county agricultural commis-
sioners responded, and the exact number
and monetary value of damaged
resources was conservatively estimated
(Frederick, 1998). Livestock and wildlife
depredation and agricultural and envi-
ronmental damage will likely continue
to increase as feral swine flourish and
humans encroach wildlife habitat.
Livestock Depredation
Feral swine are well documented as
significant predators of lambs (Ovis aries)
in Australia (Moule, 1954; Rowley,
1970, Pavlov et al., 1981, Choquenot et
al., 1997) where 4 to 20 million feral
swine exist (Emmerson and McCulloch,
1994; Pimentel et al., 2000). Feral swine
prey on a variety of other livestock
including goats (Capra hircus), newborn
cattle (Bos taurus), and exotic game.
Animal matter typically makes up only a
small percentage of their diet, but con-
siderable economic loss can occur from
livestock depredation. In Australia, the
greatest losses occur in sheep (wool and
meat loss) and cattle production (Tis-
dell, 1991). In the semi-arid rangelands
of Australia, losses of newborn lambs
from feral swine predation have been as
high as 32% (Plant et al., 1978), with a
multiple-year average loss of 19%
(Pavlov et al., 1981). Choquenot et al.
(1997) found that the rate of lamb pre-
dation increased with feral swine density,
until reaching a maximum of 29% at a
density of 4 to 8 pigs/km
. Predation typ-
ically occurs on lambing or calving
grounds, possibly because of the attrac-
tion of afterbirth and fetal tissue (Wade
and Bowns 1985; Beach, 1993). Occa-
sionally, livestock giving birth are killed
and fed upon (Wade and Bowns, 1985).
Predation occurs throughout the age
classes for sheep and goats, but newborn
or immature animals are usually targeted
(Beach, 1993). In fact, feral swine
preyed upon twin lambs on average 5 to
6 times more than single lambs
(Choquenot et al., 1997). This is likely
attributed to twin lambs being smaller
and weaker than their single counter-
parts (Alexander, 1984) and the divided
vigilance of their mother. Feral swine
have been observed to disrupt flocks
78% of the occasions when within 100
m and caught lambs during 24% of
chases (Pavlov and Hone, 1982). Feral
swine predation may be difficult to doc-
ument because the entire carcass is typi-
cally consumed, leaving little evidence.
Additionally, feral swine will scavenge
dead animals including other swine car-
casses (Hanson and Karstad, 1959;
Nichols, 1962). Therefore, predation
may be mistaken as low productivity in
36 Sheep & Goat Research Journal, Volume 19, 2004
the herd, or vice-versa, when scavenged
stillborns and aborted fetuses are mis-
taken as cases of depredation.
Feral swine usually follow a charac-
teristic feeding pattern that makes iden-
tification of depredation possible if the
entire carcass is not consumed (Pavlov
and Hone, 1982). Death typically occurs
by biting and crushing the skull or neck
(Frederick, 1998). A good indicator of
feral swine predation is that the prey’s
carcass will be skinned out with the
rumen or stomach contents consumed
(Wade and Bowns, 1985). Feral swine
tracks are distinct and may help decipher
cause of mortality when the soil and
nearby vegetation have been disturbed.
Feral swine cause serious economic
loss to the livestock industry, although
exact numbers and values are largely
unknown. This may be caused by
misidentification of the cause of preda-
tion. For example, signs of coyote (Canis
latrans) and feral swine predation appear
very similar; therefore cases reported as
coyote predation may actually be feral
swine. This is especially plausible in
Texas, where high densities of coyotes
and feral swine exist and target newborn
animals. Coyotes typically attack sheep
and goats with a bite to the throat, caus-
ing death from suffocation and shock,
then feed on their prey (Wade and
Bowns, 1985) starting at the flank or just
behind the ribcage. Coyotes typically
leave splintered bones, chewed ribs, and
scattered pieces of skin, fur, tendons, and
bones (Wade and Bowns, 1985). Con-
versely, black bear (Ursus americanus)
normally do not consume the rumen and
its contents, but the carcass will appear
skinned out (Wade and Bowns, 1985).
Black bears usually do not scatter their
prey, and the hide and skeleton will be
mostly intact. Large claw marks across
the shoulders and back may provide
additional clues.
The annual economic loss from feral
swine predation in the United States is
unknown; however feral swine predation
on livestock in the United States does
not appear to be as prevalent as in Aus-
tralia, where >$80 million is lost annu-
ally (Emmerson and McCulloch, 1994).
In Texas, Rollins (1993) reported that
33% of county agricultural agents listed
livestock depredation by feral swine as a
problem with losses directed towards
sheep and goats. In 1990, 1,243 sheep
and goats were documented as being lost
to feral swine in Texas, with an esti-
mated value of $63,000 (Rollins, 1993).
Barrett and Birmingham (1994) reported
1,473 sheep, goats, and exotic game ani-
mals were killed by feral swine in Texas
and California in 1991. In a more recent
survey, 23% of county agricultural com-
missioners in California reported live-
stock depredation by feral swine (Freder-
ick, 1998); total economic loss was not
estimated. Texas produces 1.1 million
goats annually, about 90% of the goats
raised in the United States (Scrivner et
al., 1985), and Pearson (1986) reported
that predators killed 18% of adults and
34% of kids. The number of goats lost to
feral swine predation is unknown, but is
likely substantial (>$1 million) consid-
ering $5.7 million was lost to coyotes in
the United States in 1990 (NASS
1991). Additionally in 1990, combined
sheep and lamb losses from coyotes were
valued at $18.3 million in the United
States (NASS, 1991). Where practical,
ranchers should closely monitor live-
stock and confine pregnant animals to
protected areas during calving and lamb-
ing seasons to reduce susceptibility to
predation. An understanding of field
sign and different behavioral cues can
help determine cause of mortality and
the impact of feral swine predation.
Feral Swine and Disease
Annual pork sales in the United
States exceed $11 billion with retail
sales exceeding $34 billion (Witmer et
al., 2004). Therefore, there is concern
relative to the role feral swine could pose
to the pork industry as a reservoir for dis-
ease. However, only 26% of Texas agri-
cultural extension agents were con-
cerned about disease transmission to
livestock (Rollins, 1993). Feral swine
can harbor at least 30 significant viral
and bacteriological diseases (Williams
and Barker, 2001) and feral swine in
Florida have been documented to have
as many as 45 different parasites and
infectious diseases (Forrester, 1991).
These include 37 parasites (12 proto-
zoans, 17 nematodes, 1 acanthocepha-
lan, 1 sucking louse, 4 ticks, and 2
mites), 7 bacteria, and 1 virus. Eight of
these parasitic and infectious diseases
can infect humans (brucellosis, lep-
tospirosis, salmonellosis, toxoplasmosis,
balantidiasis, trichinosis, trichostrongy-
losis, and sarcoptic mange). All four
species of ticks opportunistically infect
and feed on humans. The diseases of
most concern to the livestock industry
include pseudorabies, swine brucellosis,
bovine tuberculosis, leptospirosis, and
vesicular stomatitis (Becker et al., 1978;
Williams and Barker, 2001). These and
the possibility of an exotic disease out-
break, such as foot-and-mouth disease, a
contagious viral disease of ungulates
(e.g., pigs, sheep, cattle, goats, and deer)
(Pech and McIlroy, 1990), or classic
swine fever (a contagious viral disease of
wild and domestic swine), could have
serious repercussions for livestock indus-
tries (Hone et al., 1992). On the other
hand, feral swine may serve as a surveil-
lance tool for the early detection of
exotic diseases (Mason and Fleming,
1999; Witmer et al., 2004). These poten-
tial health aspects should be kept in
mind when considering feral swine range
expansion, translocation (Forrester,
1991), and tolerance around livestock
Crop Damage
Feral swine damage pasture and
agricultural crops by consumption, root-
ing, digging, and trampling. In Aus-
tralia, feral swine cause considerable
agricultural crop damage with >$100
million lost annually (Choquenot et al.,
1996). The greatest losses occurred in
wheat, sorghum, barley, oilseeds, sugar
cane, oats, and maize, in that order (Tis-
dell, 1991). In the United States, feral
swine damage $800 million in agricul-
tural crops each year, assuming that 4
million feral swine inhabit the United
States and cause $200 worth of damage
per pig (Pimentel et al., 2002). This
estimate is likely very conservative
because it does not consider livestock
predation, disease transmission, or envi-
ronmental degradation.
In Texas, the most common com-
plaint or concern (75%) in a survey con-
ducted by Rollins (1993) was damage to
agricultural crops including hay, small
grains (milo, rice, and wheat), corn, and
peanuts. Other crops affected were veg-
etables, watermelons, soybeans, cotton,
orchards, horticultural crops, and conifer
seedlings. Seventy-two percent of sur-
veyed extension agents reported addi-
tional damage to ranch facilities (e.g.,
fences, water supply, irrigation ditches,
and guzzlers).
Sheep & Goat Research Journal, Volume 19, 2004 37
Population Control
and Management
No panacea for feral swine control,
management, or eradication currently
exists (Choquenot et al., 1996). In most
states feral swine are unprotected or clas-
sified as an agricultural pest, therefore
hunting methods are liberal and swine
can be harvested throughout the year.
States where feral swine are classified as
game animals rely on hunter harvest to
control or regulate swine populations;
however, sport hunting has had negligi-
ble effects on swine population manage-
ment (Barrett and Stone, 1993). Feral
swine can be controlled by several tech-
niques including shooting, trapping, and,
in overseas locations, with toxicant bait-
ing (Tisdell, 1982). In Australia, toxicant
baiting [e.g., sodium monofluoroacetate
(Compound 1080), warfarin] has been
used to reduce feral swine populations in
some areas by 58 to 73% depending upon
the length of the poisoning campaign
(Hone and Pederson, 1980; Hone, 1983;
Pech and Hone, 1988). Careful consider-
ation and monitoring must be applied
when using toxicants because other non-
target species may be harmed (Stone et
al., 1988). Frightening devices are inef-
fective and no repellents or toxicants are
registered for feral swine use in the
United States (Barrett and Birmingham,
1994). Other lethal means for eradica-
tion include aerial hunting with helicop-
ters, hunting with dogs, or shooting at
night over bait. Saunders and Bryant
(1987) used aerial shooting over five days
to reduce a population by 80%. Hunting
with dogs can also be effective at reduc-
ing feral swine populations in local areas
(Barrett and Birmingham, 1994). Trap-
ping and snaring followed by euthanasia
can also help reduce swine density and
nuisance animals. Trapping with corral
traps and portable drop-gate traps can be
effective, but efficacy varies seasonally
with production of natural food sources
(e.g., acorns) (Barrett and Birmingham,
1994). Leg snares can be effective, but
should be implemented with caution in
areas where livestock, deer, or other non-
target animals may be present. Access
points such as fence under-passes or pen
entrances not used by non-target animals
are ideal. Other control measures to alle-
viate damage include excluding feral
swine with wire mesh fencing or electric
fence. No fence design is completely pig-
proof, but they can significantly reduce
feral swine movement into protected
areas. Wire mesh fencing or adding an
electrified wire to an established fence 15
to 20 cm off the ground appear to be the
most effective means of excluding feral
swine (Hone and Atkinson, 1983). How-
ever, due to the associated cost of these
control measures, agricultural producers
must weigh the cost of taking precaution
to their expected loss to determine if
action is cost-effective. An integrated
approach may be more feasible and may
help alleviate feral swine recognition and
avoidance of specific control practices
(Choquenot et al., 1996).
One of the greatest needs for feral
swine management is a practical means
for indexing populations (Choquenot et
al., 1996). Knowledge of relative swine
population abundance and spatial distri-
bution is valuable for timing control pro-
grams, optimally locating control sites,
and evaluating control efficacy. A vari-
ety of methods have been applied to esti-
mate absolute abundance of feral swine,
though they often require many
resources and produce mixed results
(Choquenot et al., 1996). Assessments
of populations can be done by directly
estimating population density through
line-transect (e.g., Burnham et al., 1980)
or mark-recapture estimation (e.g., Otis
et al., 1978). An alternative is to calcu-
late an index reflective of population
abundance (e.g., Caughley, 1977). Enge-
man et al. (2001) recently evaluated a
passive-tracking method in Florida to
index the relative abundance and distri-
bution of feral swine in an area and to
evaluate the impact of control programs.
The technique is easy to use and allows
managers to index feral swine density
around agricultural operations. Knowl-
edge of feral swine density will aid in
making decisions about whether control
measures are warranted. If density is low,
then the associated risk of depredation
may be acceptable and no control meas-
ures may be necessary. However, if feral
swine density is high, then it may be
beneficial to take precaution and reduce
the threat of damage.
Despite the negative impacts feral
swine have on agriculture and the envi-
ronment, humans continue to introduce
feral swine to new areas (Howells and
Edwards-Jones, 1997; Leaper et al.,
1999) and allow range expansion. Some
individuals, mostly feral swine hunters
and landowners that generate revenue
from hunting leases, encourage feral
swine and consider them a desirable big
game species. In most states with large
populations (e.g., Texas, Florida, Califor-
nia, and Hawaii), feral swine are consid-
ered a big game species and year-long
hunting seasons have been established to
“control” numbers. In Texas, Rollins
(1993) regarded feral swine hunting as a
sport for locals more so than nonresi-
dents with an average cost of $169 per
hunter. However, this may be changing;
in 1998 the Texas Parks and Wildlife
Department generated over $1 million
from the sale of 30,512 hog permits to
nonresidents (Chambers, 1999). Hunt-
ing may serve to alleviate disease trans-
mission and predation by reducing the
number of feral swine at the livestock
interface. Ranchers and farmers should
be encouraged to hunt feral swine, grant
hunting permission, and participate in
state hunter access programs.
Although feral swine hunting gen-
erates income for some, the damage to
private and public property and natural
resources is hardly justifiable. Ranchers
and farmers should understand the
potential risks and have cost-effective
means available to them for feral swine
control. In areas where feral swine pose a
threat to natural resources, most conser-
vation organizations promote the eradi-
cation or reduction of feral swine popu-
lations. Until a paradigm shift occurs
and society understands that the nega-
tive impacts feral swine cause outweigh
any immediate or potential benefits,
some current conservation strategies for
native wildlife and maintenance of dis-
ease-free, domestic-swine populations
will be at risk.
In the United States, ranchers and
farmers operating in feral swine-occu-
pied areas need more information
regarding feral swine damage and means
to alleviate potential losses. Research is
needed to determine the rate of preda-
tion relative to feral swine density, assess
the economic loss caused by feral swine
predation, quantify the rate of disease
transmission to domesticated livestock,
and to develop economical means to
alleviate feral swine damage. Current
damage management techniques in the
United States include fencing, snares,
38 Sheep & Goat Research Journal, Volume 19, 2004
cage traps, and various methods of hunt-
ing. In Australia, the use of aerially
delivered toxic bait is legal, and it is the
most efficient means of quickly reducing
feral swine numbers. Resource manage-
ment agencies in the United States
should consider following Australia’s
lead and manifesting a management plan
for the eradication of feral swine in areas
that have the potential to be exposed to
exotic livestock diseases. This would
likely require the registration and
approval of a toxicant and bait delivery
system that targets feral swine with min-
imal impact on non-target species and
the environment. As Tisdell (1991:168)
stated, “the question has been raised
whether feral swine should be managed
on a sustainable yield basis, with an erad-
ication strategy pursued only if an exotic
livestock disease, such as foot-and-
mouth, be accidentally introduced.”
This statement is very reactionary; we
must remember that feral swine are an
exotic species and pose a significant
threat to agriculture and the environ-
ment. Strict control of feral swine popu-
lations is responsible management. Until
state agencies address feral swine popula-
tions and their expansion, the damage
they cause will likely continue to
Literature Cited
Alexander, G. 1984. Constraints to lamb
survival. Reproduction in sheep.
Pages 199-209 in D. R. Lindsay, and
D. T. Pearce, editors. Australian
Wool Corporation Technical Publi-
cation, Australian Academy of Sci-
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