Food Truck Financial
Grades 3-5
Teacher: Arlee Hall
Date: 08/19/2019
Overview & Purpose
Provide the lesson title and a short (3-4 line) purpose statement expressing your vision for this lesson.
In an effort to practice hands-on financial literacy skills, students will create an
imaginary food truck business complete with scaled food truck model, business logo
and slogan, along with a sample menu, and Google Slide presentation.
List your 3-5 objectives. Specify the new skills that the students will gain as a result of the lesson.
What will students have learned or experienced by the end of the lesson?
Objective 1: Students will create a food truck model using cardstock paper to
practice creating hands-on scale models and apply their knowledge of area and
Objective 2: Students will research and apply knowledge of food truck menus to
create a unique menu for their new business. Students will interview local food
truck vendors to determine how to set menu prices.
Objective 3: Students will practice oral speaking skills, writing, and computer
skills by using Chromebooks along with Google Slides and the Chrome Extension
Screencastify to create a 5-10 slide presentation for their food truck business
including a virtual tour of their food truck model, including all graphics and
slogan, and a listing of menu items with prices.
Materials Needed
What items do you need to complete this lesson? Please include items you requested in your project
as well as anything else you used to bring this lesson to life.
10 measuring tapes
1-inch graph paper
2 reams of cardstock paper
10 sets of markers
Paper food service hats
Chart paper
Glue sticks
Headphones with microphones
What 3+ steps did you go through to make sure that your students understood the concepts you
taught in your lesson?
Students will meet with local food truck vendors and discuss the skills needed to
start a food truck business.
In addition, students will create their own 3D models of their own food trucks and
using chart paper and markers, they will develop their own menu.
Furthermore, students will create a short presentation using Google Slides and
Screencastify outlining their business model, menu, graphics, and slogan.
Students will present this information during a culminating event when parents,
family, and friends will be invited to our room.
As a culminating event, students will host an event in the classroom showcasing
their models, menus, and presentations. Visitors can move from presentation to
presentation and interact with students.
What activity did you take students through to reinforce the concepts you taught during your lesson?
Step one:
Ask students to brainstorm everything they know about food trucks using a circle
map in their journals.
Students to share their maps with their table groups and use a colored pencil to
add new thinking and ideas to their maps.
Step two:
Teacher will arrange to have local food truck vendors to visit school. This
includes coordinating with the school principal, the food service coordinator,
families, and students.
Vendors to give a short 5-10 minute presentation about their business, students
to ask questions regarding the how the vendor set up his/her business. Students
to take notes in journals.
Students will rotate with their classroom every 30 minutes until all vendors have
been seen.
Students may also work in small groups to measure the perimeter of each food
truck and sketch the food preparation areas in their journals.
Step three:
Students to create their own paper food truck blueprints with cardstock and
graph paper. Students will create 3D paper models of their food trucks, complete
with custom graphics, business name, and slogan.
Step four:
Students to create a menu complete with prices for their food truck.
Students will research local vendors and develop prices for their food items.
(Teacher to supply chart paper and markers for students to create a sample
menu for their food truck.)
Step five:
Teacher to model a short Google Slide presentation for the students.
Teacher can differentiate by supplying templates to students based on skill
levels. Students will create a short presentation of their business.